Fernando Rios (CLIR postdoctoral fellow) reviewed literature software archiving and published “The Pathways of Research Software Preservation: An Educational and Planning Resource for Service Development” in D-Lib Magazine July/August 2016.

Boehm, R., Hanson, K., Meyers, N. (2017): Integrating RMap with the Open Science Framework. ESIP Summer Meeting 2017 Bloomington, IN. Figshare https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.5249653.v1

Blake, M. and Boehm. R. (2018): “Data rescue after the smoke has cleared.” International Association of Social Science Information Services and Technology. Montreal, Canada. (PDF Download)

David Fearon presented Origin and Development of Johns Hopkins Data Management Services at the 2015 7th Annual University of Massachusetts and New England Area Librarian e-Science Symposium, Worcester MA, April 2015.
Full Publication and Presentation List
Blake, M. and Boehm. R. (2018): Data rescue after the smoke has cleared. International Association of Social Science Information Services and Technology. Montreal, Canada. (PDF Download)
Kozlowski, W., Moore, J., and Blake, M. (2018): Putting the CURATE model into practice: Training for data curation. International Association of Social Science Information Services and Technology. Montreal, Canada.
Blake, M., Bordelon, B., Hogenboom, K., Wruble, L., and Herndon, J. (2018): Beyond the numbers: building collections of non-numeric licensed data. International Association of Social Science Information Services and Technology. Montreal, Canada.
Blake, M. and Joque, J. (2018): Black European History and the Digital Humanities. Defining Black European History Conference at the German Historical Institute. Washington, D.C.
Johnston, L., Carlson, J., Hudson-Vitale, C., Imker, H., Kozlowski, W., Olendorf, R., Stewart, C., Blake, M., Herndon, J., Hull, E., and McGeary, Tim (2018). Launching the Data Curation Network. International Digital Curation Conference (IDCC). Barcelona, Spain.
Johnston, L., Carlson, J., Hudson-Vitale, C., Imker, H., Kozlowski, W., Olendorf, R., Stewart, C., Blake, M., Herndon, J., Hull, E., and McGeary, Tim (2018). Implementing a Cross-Institutional Staffing Model for Curation Research Data. Research Data Alliance 11th Plenary. Berlin, Germany.
Blake, M.(moderator), Battista, A., Hardy, D., Jordon, E., Martindale, J., and Mattke R. (2018): Plenary presentation: Getting Started and Keeping Momentum. Geo4Lib Camp 2018. Palo Alto, CA.
Boehm, R. I. (2018) Beyond Pronouns: Caring for Transgender Medical Research Data to Benefit All People. Presented at RDAP 2018, April 24, Chicago. Retrieved from https://osf.io/b2fv3
Boehm, R., Hanson, K., Meyers, N. (2017): Integrating RMap with the Open Science Framework. ESIP Summer Meeting 2017 Bloomington, IN. Figshare https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.5249653.v1
Fearon, D., Soper, D., Kowalski, M. (2017) Data as Intellectual Property Panel. Panel presented at the Research Access & Preservation (RDAP) Summit 2017, April 20, Seattle, WA. https://www.asist.org/rdap/data-as-intellectual-property-panel/.
Boehm, Reid; Duerr, Ruth (2017): Panel Talk 2: New platforms and techniques for strengthening ties between observations and user communities. ESIP Summer Meeting 2017 Bloomington, IN. Figshare. https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.5257984.v2
Fearon, D., Boehm, R. (2017) “Addressing the Gaps in Data Archiving for Large-Scale Computing Research at the Academic Research Institution.” Research Data Management Implementations Workshop, Arlington, VA. https://rdmi.uchicago.edu/papers/08252017121920_paperFearon082517.pdf. 2017
Boehm, R.; Duerr, R., (2017) Panel Talk 1: New platforms and techniques for strengthening ties between observations and user communities; Winter Meeting 2017. ESIP Commons , January 2017
Boehm, Reid; Vu, Hanh; Chiu, Chen; Hanson, Karen (2017): RMap + OSF = Harvesting linked data to visualize and navigate maps of scholarly works and collaborators. Figshare. https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.5263009.v1
Fernando Rios reviewed literature software archiving and published “The Pathways of Research Software Preservation: An Educational and Planning Resource for Service Development” in D-Lib Magazine July/August 2016.
Jonathan Petters presented “SPARC Resource on Federal Data Sharing Requirements and Plans” in SPARC Federal Data Sharing Policy webcast on May 11th, 2016. (PDF Download)
Jonathan Petters presented “Perspective on DMPs, Funders and Public Access” at Research Data Access & Preservation Summit: Panel 5: DMPs and Public Access: Agency and Data Service experiences, Atlanta, GA, May 2016.
Barbara Pralle presented “Data Sharing Requirements: Balancing Expectations, Compliance, and Support” at the SPARC/ACRL Forum: Complying with Emerging Funder Public Access Policies, Boston, MA, Jan 2016.
David Fearon and Jennifer Darragh presented “Training for de-identifying human subjects data for sharing: a viable library service” at the International Association for Social Science, Information Science and Technology Meeting in Minneapolis, MN, June 5, 2015.
David Fearon presented Origin and Development of Johns Hopkins Data Management Services at the 2015 7th Annual University of Massachusetts and New England Area Librarian e-Science Symposium, Worcester MA, April 2015. (Link goes to slides and video).
Timothy DiLauro and Jonathan Petters gave the demo “Data Conservancy Packaging Tools and Use Perspectives from Research Data Management Services” at the 10th International Digital Curation Conference, London UK, February 2015 (link goes to the associated poster).
Betsy Gunia and Barbara Pralle presented Development of a Small Data Collections Archiving Service Option at Johns Hopkins University at The Coalition for Networked Information (CNI) Fall Meeting, December 2014, in Washington, DC.
Barbara Pralle presented Data Management Services at Johns Hopkins: Maturing cost models, partnerships, and service value at the 165th ARL Membership Meeting, October 2014, in Washington, DC.
Barbara Pralle presented Scaling Digital Scholarship Services at Johns Hopkins:The Data Management Services Case(slides 17-24) at the EDUCAUSE Annual Conference, September 2014, in Orlando, FL.
Jonathan Petters presented Streamlining the research data archival process at Johns Hopkins University at the Pecha Kucha session of the 40th International Association for Social Science, Information Service and Technology, June 2014, in Toronto, ON.
Barbara Pralle and Sherry Lake (University of Virginia) presented a poster at the 9th International Digital Curation Conference in February 2014 entitled Assessing Skills, Training, Positions, and Partnership to Support Growing Research Data Management Services Support: Findings from the 2013 ARL Research Data Management Services Spec Kit 334.
David Fearon and Andrew Sallans (Center for Open Science) presented at CNI Fall 2013 Membership Meeting in December 2013 (abstract and slides are available online.) David and Andrew discussed the ARL SPEC Kit on Research Data Management Services, detailing development of the study, key findings, and useful lessons that can inform decisions for others developing research data management services.
Data Management Services, along with Sherry Lake and Andrew Sallans of the University of Virginia, surveyed ARL member libraries on their activities in data management across the research lifecycle. The results are published in the ARL Spec Kit 334 titled “Research Data Management Services.”
Dave Fearon gave public comment at the National Academies meeting on Public Access to Federally-Supported Research and Development Data and Publications: Data in May 2013, describing the purpose of the grant reviewer’s guide. Video and transcript available.
At the Research Data Access & Preservation Summit in April 2013, Betsy Gunia and Dave Fearon displayed their preliminary workflow for archiving research data in a poster.
Dave Fearon presented a poster on our grant reviewer’s guide and questionnaire at the International Digital Curation Conference in January 2013.
Matthew S. Mayernik, G. Sayeed Choudhury, Tim DiLauro, Elliot Metsger, Barbara Pralle, Mike Rippin, Ruth Duerr published “The Data Conservancy Instance: Infrastructure and Organizational Services for Research Data Curation” in in D-Lib Magazine September/October 2012.
Dave Fearon and Betsy Gunia presented on the first year of data management services at Johns Hopkins University at IASSIST in June 2012.
Barbara Pralle presented about data curation service models as a part of a panel at the Research Data and Preservation Summit of the AISIS&T meeting in March 2012.
Barbara Pralle and G. Sayeed Choudhury presented on building data management services at Johns Hopkins University at the Coalition for Networked Information on December 12, 2011.
Barbara Pralle and Sayeed Choudhury presented at the Digital Library Federation on October 31st, 2011 on the establishment of data management services at JHU.
Articles Written About Us
“Developing Data Management Services at the Johns Hopkins University” in The Journal of Academic Librarianship, discusses how we designed our service within the particulars of our campus environment and socio-technical readiness to provide service.
Data Management Services featured in “Publishing frontiers: The library reboot” in Nature, 495, 430–432, March 2013. See section titled ‘The new data wranglers.’
Data Management Services featured in “Solving the Data Management Mandate” written by Jane Beitler of NSIDC, May 2012.
Blog Posts We’ve Written
Smiti Nathan wrote a post for Sheridan Libraries blog “How do we find geospatial data?” January 2019.
Fernando Rios wrote a post for CLIR reThinking blog “Beyond data: Reproducibility in scientific software and the role of digital preservation.” April 2016.
Dave Fearon wrote about on “De-identifying human subject data for sharing” for the Sheridan Libraries blog. April 2014.
Jon Petters wrote a post for the Astrophysics Source Code Library (ASCL) blog “Creating and evaluating data management plans“, geared towards the astronomy community. March 2014.
Betsy Gunia wrote a post for the Sheridan Libraries blog “Ways to Share Research Data“. March 2014.
Jon Petters wrote a post for the Sheridan Libraries blog entitled “How do I share my research data?!” November 2013.
Betsy Gunia wrote an account of the process DMS took to prepare the first data collection for archiving. July 2012.