Need a place to share your research data publicly for publication or after you have finished your research project? Johns Hopkins researchers can use the Johns Hopkins Research Data Repository to meet their funder and/or journal data sharing requirements*. The Repository accepts data, which is free from ethical and legal constraints, from any research discipline. Please contact us if your uncompressed dataset is over 1 TB to see if we can accommodate your files. Large datasets may incur a fee.

The benefits of using the Johns Hopkins Research Data Repository:

  • Provides each dataset with a permanent citation and a persistent identifier (DOI), facilitating both attributions of authors and linkage to research publications
  • Preserves research data through regularly checking file integrity and retaining multiple copies
  • Data is managed, maintained, and preserved by our professional curators

Note: The Johns Hopkins Research Data Repository is for public, open access. There is no user registration for data downloads or data access committee monitoring data requests. If the Johns Hopkins Research Data Repository is not the right fit for your data, we are happy to help you find a more appropriate repository. Just email us at for guidance or go to our research guide, “How to Find a Repository”, to learn how to select one.   

Ready to deposit data with us? Go to our Repository and click the “Deposit Data” button to fill out the intake form.

See our Deposit Policy for more details on  information on data requirements.

*Please check whether your funder or publisher requires a specific repository. We can also help you meet deposit requirements for that repository.  

If You Have Human Participant Data

We require human participant data to be anonymized and that participants have consented to sharing data openly. JHU IRB policy DOES NOT allow data under Waiver of Consent to be shared in our open-access public repository.  

Also, we do not accept human genomic data (see Genomic Data Risk Tiers). See our FAQ below on human participants below for more information. 

Johns Hopkins Research Data Repository FAQs

  • What is the Johns Hopkins Research Data Repository?

    The Johns Hopkins Research Data Repository is an open access repository for the long-term management and preservation of research data. Through depositing datasets in the Johns Hopkins Research Data Repository, researchers are able to share their research data with the public for future discovery and reuse. The Johns Hopkins Research Data Repository is administered by professional curators, who will work with you to ensure your data is Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable (FAIR). 

    Find the Johns Hopkins Research Data Repository at 

  • What should I do if I have human subject data?

    The Johns Hopkins Research Data Repository does accept human participants data under the following conditions: 

    • All data need to be anonymized (consult with Data Services before sending in data)  
    • Consent language clearly tells participants that the data will be shared in an open access repository (see SOM IRB template 5 for example.  
    • If you collected data under a waiver of consent, we will not be able to accept your data.  
    • Datasets from JH Medical systems may require approval by JHM Data Trust to deposit in JHRDR or other data repositories. These and other JHM clinical or medical studies may require a Change in Research review by JHM IRB to update plans for data repository deposits. 

    Please review the following JHU policies on data sharing with human participants: 

    Contact us to discuss whether your data can be archived with us, alternative options, and to review your de-identification protocol. (Never email us human subject data even if you consider it de-identified.) To learn more about de-identification check out our online guide, Protecting and Removing Human Subject Identifiers.    

  • Why should I archive my data with Johns Hopkins Research Data Repository, instead of FigShare, Zenodo, Dryad, etc.?

    The Johns Hopkins Research Data Repository offers free data archiving for JHU researchers. Our Data Management Consultants offer personalized curation services that many public data archives do not, helping to prepare your data for long-term preservation and use. Our curators also manage access to archived data, store backup copies, and run quality checks on archived data for a minimum of five years. 

    The Johns Hopkins Research Data Repository accepts data in any format and from any discipline, making the Johns Hopkins Research Data Repository a great option for fields that do not have a discipline-specific public repository. Some fields of research have developed repositories and databases specialized for their data types and topics. It is often preferable to deposit to specialized databases when appropriate, for better discovery by those in your field. Certain funders and grants may specify particular repositories. Our consultants can help you locate appropriate specialized repositories if available and assist in the deposit processes. 

    All datasets in the Johns Hopkins Research Data Repository have a persistent identifier (DOI) and a suggested citation, ensuring your data is findable, accessible, reusable and citable. 

  • What research products should I deposit to the Johns Hopkins Research Data Repository?

    We recommend depositing the materials behind any findings, summary tables, and visualizations in your publication or research project. These materials, collectively called “data,” can include cleaned or processed data files used for analysis; code used to process or analyze your data; simulations; survey responses; interview transcripts; researcher observations; geospatial vector files; information computationally derived from public sources, and more. In short, data are all the files and scripts that would help a researcher reuse your data or reproduce the findings of your publication.  

    Please note that if your data contain Protected Health Information (PHI) or Personally Identifiable Information (PII), this information must be removed or de-identified prior to depositing data to us. Contact us at with any questions about human subject data deposits. 

    All datasets in the Johns Hopkins Research Data Repository have a persistent identifier (DOI) and a suggested citation, ensuring your data is findable, accessible, reusable and citable. 

  • Is the Johns Hopkins Research Data Repository free for all JHU affiliates?

    Yes, it is free in most cases. If you have more than 1 TB of uncompressed data, please email us so that we can determine if a charge is necessary. 

  • I am interested in getting a DOI for my data, but don’t want to upload/share data in Johns Hopkins Research Data Repository Do you provide a service to just mint a DOI for me?

    Yes, we do! We offer options to mint one DOI, a bulk of DOIs (up to 10), and a dedicated DOI account for researchers. Please visit our DOI services page to view more details. 

  • Can I store my data with Johns Hopkins Research Data Repository and only share them with my lab members and/or collaborators?

    No, Johns Hopkins Research Data Repository is not intended as storage for active research data. Its purpose is to provide open access to others interested in referencing and using research your data, and long-term preservation. You can contact your Department IT or JHU Central IT, if you are looking for a place to store and share research data with your lab members and/or collaborators.  

  • How long does the whole process take?

    In general, the whole process will take about one or two business week. The length of our archiving process depends on the quality of your documentation and how fast you can turn in the required forms and upload files. Visit our Archiving Steps page to learn more.  

  • Can I just upload my data without providing any information about my data?

    So that we can create your dataset in the Repository and mint you a DOI, we require that you fill out a Deposit Form, which provides high-level information about your research. In addition, we require the submission of a README-style text file where you will provide more specific information about your files.   

    The more complete the description of your datasets are, the more likely that someone will be able to find, understand, trust, and reuse your data/code. If you want to learn more about how to document your research, check out our series of online modules here. 

  • Can I embargo my data or require users to register first before downloading data?

    We currently don’t offer the option to embargo your data. However, your data collection is always private until you give us the approval to publish it online. If your manuscript is still under review and you want to hold onto publishing your data until the manuscript is accepted, we can offer you a private URL that you can share with your reviewer(s), even the data collection has not been published yet.  

    Datasets in the Johns Hopkins Research Data Repository currently supports only public open access, not requiring registration from those accessing and download data. Open access meets funder and publisher preferences. If your data requires restricted access, please contact for help finding a data repository that best meets your needs. 

  • I plan to share my data via the Johns Hopkins Research Data Repository and would like to write this into my Data Management Plan. Do you have any language that I could use in my DMP?

    You can use the following language but adopt it according to your situation: “Long-term archiving of data will be managed by Johns Hopkins Data Services (JHUDS) using the Johns Hopkins Research Data Repository. The Data Repository provides public access to data through an established repository platform supported by storage and preservation practices that follow the Open Archival Information System reference model. Deposited data is given standard data citations and persistent identifiers (DOIs). JHUDS provides system administration and consultative support for researchers preparing data for deposit. Data will be archived under a memorandum of understanding renewed every 5 years with the PI’s consent. 

  • Do I need to have a published article to be able to deposit my data?

    No, the Johns Hopkins Research Data Repository welcomes data associated with a publication and datasets that are archived and shared on their own. 

  • Who should I contact if I have further questions?

    Email us at and one of our consultants will get back to you within two business day.