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February 10th to February 14th, 2025

Call for Proposals

As part of Love Data Week (February 10-14, 2025), we are inviting Johns Hopkins affiliates to submit proposals for talks about your research or projects. Love Data Week is an international celebration of data, taking place every year during the week of Valentine’s day. Johns Hopkins University Data Services hosts a series of data-related events during this week of each year to celebrate data with JHU researchers. Last year’s event saw 780 total event registrations and 1,197 total event attendees (including attendees who attended multiple events). All presentations are virtual and will be open to the public for viewing.

Your participation will increase the range of perspectives on data at JHU, while also garnering attention for your research or project both on campus and with external attendees.

The theme this year is “Whose Data is it Anyway?” and in keeping with this theme, we’re looking for presentations (either 15 minute lightning talks or longer 50 minute discussions) that address the following suggested topics:

Community & Data:

  • The ethics of data collection and use

  • Should data be held by the community? By researchers?

Data Provenance:

  • How do we critically review data – who created the data and why?

    • Is it reliable or representative of the population studied?

    • How do we understand and assess the underlying methodology behind the data?

  • Metadata and documentation as context for data ownership

AI and Big Data:

  • If AI generates data, whose is it?

  • How are JHU researchers using big data?

Open Data:

  • The relevance of the availability of data to research

  • What is the balance between openness and privacy?

This list of topics is not exhaustive. Feel free to suggest a topic of your own.

Submit your proposal by Monday, September 30, 2024.

Contact JHU Data Services with any questions before submitting.